
Prepare your trip

Guide départ

Prepare your departure in all serenity

Discover all practicals informations to prepare your departure from Chambéry Savoie Mont-Blanc Airport. Whether you're traveling for business or pleasure, our comprehensive guide offers essential advice to help you get your trip started on the right foot.

Préparez votre voyage

Prepare your trip

Being informed and anticipating is the secret of a well-planned trip!

Why not take a moment to prepare your trip in detail? This section is full of invaluable advice on preparing your luggage, getting through the checkpoints with complete peace of mind, and turning your trip into a successful experience.


Luggage ➜
Retrouvez toutes les infos et conseils utiles pour boucler vos valises sans stress

Flight information ➜
Consult real-time flight activity and practical information about your flight.
Step 2

Organising your trip

Chambéry airport has so much to offer

Pour profiter pleinement de votre voyage, planifiez votre arrivée !
Prévoir, anticiper, c’est aussi tout l’art de voyager
Step 3

Embellish your journey

At the airport, the journey has already begun!

 Restaurants, shops, family-friendly services... Discover the advantages and good ideas your airport has in store for you.


Shops ➜
Enjoy a relaxing break at the airport

Familliz ➜
Facilitez le voyage de votre tribu avec Familliz.
Step 4

Personalise your experience

A unique airport for every traveller, reflecting their personality!

Depending on your profile and your desires, take advantage of dedicated services and enjoy a personalised experience that meets your expectations and is as exciting as it gets!


PHMR assistance ➜
For people with reduced mobility, we offer support from start to finish, to make your life easier and provide you with the best quality of service. Take a look at our tips and tricks to make your experience and your journey easier and more worry-free.

Children travelling alone ➜
Children too need to get away from it all. We do everything we can to make your unaccompanied children's journey a pleasant one. Follow the guide to prepare as well as possible for this trip and let them leave with complete peace of mind.